Although a cold wind was blowing and rain seemed likely, seven adults and five Duke of Edinburgh Award students turned out for a work session in the Old Churchyard on the first Sunday in December 2021. Work on cutting back the summer’s grass in the centre of the site and clearing moss off the roof of the lychgate, two tasks which we had started on at our last session at the beginning of November, was finally completed. Alongside these tasks, Bryan Snashall and two young ‘apprentices’ (Alex and Eleni) set about reconstructing the compost bays, which had become very dilapidated over the years. Meanwhile, Noel Moss and Wendy Scobie undertook some much needed tidying up round the edges of the pond area.
Before the rain finally came everyone was able to warm up with mince pies and the usual cup of coffee kindly provided by Wendy and Noel respectively. While there are still tasks to be finished the Old Churchyard is now in a reasonable state going into the Winter months.
Thanks to everyone who came to this session and worked so hard, and thanks to Richard Sandars for providing the photographs.