Sable Wood

It will be recalled that BCG was formed specifically to assist the Local Authorities in looking after the footpaths and open spaces of The Bourne because they were in such poor condition. It was not long therefore before the area known locally as Bourne Woods was explored and a survey carried out of the complex of footpaths there including the finger posts and way markers. The paths lying within the province of the Forestry Commission (Forestry England since 2019) were in quite good order but those in the much smaller area of woodland closest to The Bourne were very overgrown with laurel and holly. We soon made the paths passable again and kept the vegetation under control for almost ten years as well as trying to contact the then owner of this piece of private greenspace.

It was a great pleasure in 2011 to meet the new owner and an even greater pleasure to find that his intention was to manage the wood for the environment. We have cooperated with Bruce Callander ever since and he has become not only a trusted Friend of BCG but also a Partner in the Farnham Biodiversity Group. His naming of his piece of woodland as Sable Wood was the start of tremendous improvements to this popular area for walks in South Farnham including the enhancement of its biodiversity.

Full information about Sable Wood and what has been achieved there is available on the website The photographs on this page have been chosen to illustrate some of the BCG contribution.

Gaultheria removal team. l to r: Martin Angel, Bruce Callander, Charles Fearnley, Martin Wisdom, Geoff Hooker, Noel Moss, Richard Sandars