During the restrictions on our activities required during the Coronavirus lockdown the Bourne Conservation Group is looking for ways to maintain contact with our Members and Friends, and if possible to make our work known to a wider range of people One way we can do that is through our local Garden Watch.
Being confined to home does not mean we have to lose touch with Nature. For those of us with access to a garden or any other open space, BCG is developing some aids for identifying the animals that turn up in our gardens. We hope you will record and let us know what you see. Having started with a bird survey, we have extended the Watch to include vertebrates – mammals, reptiles and amphibians – and butterflies. With continued support we shall include further surveys.
We are asking you to watch out for the birds, animals and butterflies that enter or inhabit your garden and include nearby open spaces if you wish. We are not setting any time limit on your watch, just do it for as long as you enjoy it. It will be a great help to us if you can please tell what you see each week. We have three guides: birds you might see at this time of year, vertebrates and butterflies, together with a recording form which has space for additional species not included in the guides. There are some well-known websites that will give further help with identification of species.
Your forms are sent to our biodiversity expert Martin Angel who will summarise the findings and post the results here and on our Facebook page. We are hoping to generate enough interest to do
this weekly.