Bright and early on the morning of 1st July our Group was on the move towards the Green in order to set up for The Bourne Show 2023. That set the pace for the rest of the month which included the usual preparations and Inspections within Farnham’s In-Bloom programme.
For the Show, all our arrangements worked very well and our stand was fully set up and functioning well before the official start time. Once again we had attractive displays and leaflets in the Information Tent and a vast stock for sale on the Book Stall, for which we have to thank the generosity of all who donated their unwanted volumes.
It was an enjoyable day in the sunshine with a spot of excitement when the roof of the Information Tent blew off in a strong gust of wind. Fortunately no damage was done and brisk business continued. Many useful contacts were made and several new members signed on. Sales were good on the Book Stall which made a useful profit which will bolster our funds for the coming year.
Our thanks go to all our members who took part and also to the Show organisers for staging another fine local event.

At 6.30 AM on the morning following the Show early risers would have seen our regular waterers at work at The Bourne Crossroads as part of the on-going process of keeping the flower displays at that important local hub fresh and attractive. By now it was also part of preparing for the RHS judging due on 7th July. Needless to say, on that day there was not a blade of parched grass out of place or the smallest piece of litter on view thanks to the work of all the volunteers involved then and throughout the year.
The same was also true in the Middle Bourne Lane Community Garden. There the
judge was as usual greatly impressed by the moths caught the night before by Martin Angel and our new committee member, Myung-Hye Chun. This had to be repeated a few days later because this year MBL was also entered in the “Its Your Neighbourhood” completion. In preparation more watering was done and more moths caught. This time we had one hour to show the judge around which allowed a full explanation to be given about all the features of this popular garden, including the new prototype bug hotels created by Wendy Scoble. We hope for a good result in this new competition.

All that was in the first 10 days of July. Time for a slight breather now but very soon we shall pick up where we left off on our other sites such as Underdown and our footpath tasks, where much work awaits.