The Old Churchyard in the crocus season

The Old Churchyard in Vicarage Hill has a beautiful display of crocuses each year that flourish under the trees. The recent very warm and sunny weather in late February 2019 gave us one of the most stunning shows in memory, though the flowering season was probably shortened as a result. The flowers were much admired by visitors, who could also see snowdrops and early daffodils and primroses.

We are pleased to share a selection of photos:

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Martin Angel receives award for Services to Farnham

Dr Martin Angel, Vice-Chairman of the Bourne Conservation Group, was one of this year’s recipients of an award recognising his outstanding services to Farnham. The awards are organised by Farnham Town Council and were reported in full by the Farnham Herald. They were presented by the Mayor of Farnham on 25th February 2019.

Martin’s award was for his services to the environment and biodiversity – the full citation is shown:

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New Year social event enjoyed by Members and Friends

On Sunday 6th January 2019 the Bourne Conservation Group returned to Paradise Wood for the first time in several years for a successful session clearing overgrown and invasive plants. Later in the afternoon we invited all Members and Friends to join the Committee for our annual social gathering in St Martin’s Hall, Lower Bourne to thanks them for their efforts on behalf of the Group. It was very well supported and seemed to be appreciated by all present.

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New paving for historic lychgate at Old Churchyard

Shortly before Christmas, our Group completed a significant piece of work in the Old Churchyard, Vicarage Hill. The surface through the lychgate had remained unchanged since the 19th century and was rough, stony and muddy in bad weather. With the agreement of all parties concerned we have now replaced this with paving which has been generously funded by a donation from John Maddox in memory of his wife, Wendy Maddox, who died on 22nd April 2018. Wendy had collated information about those who are buried in the churchyard, as well as other extensive local history research throughout the area.

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Bourne Conservation Group’s 16th AGM

Twenty one Members and Friends of the Bourne Conservation Group attended the 16th Annual General Meeting at Noel and Edelgard Moss’ home on Sunday 16th September 2018. Everyone was saddened to hear of the recent death of Wendy Maddox who had undertaken so much historical research for the Group.

As Chairman, Noel Moss presented the Annual Report covering the achievements of the Group for the year ended 31st March 2018, a biodiversity report, on which Martin Angel spoke, and a look forward to the work the Group will undertake in the coming year. He stressed the need to recruit new members, while welcoming the involvement of a number of young people pursuing their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The Financial Report showed no great change from the healthy position last year, but arrangements were in hand to acquire more funding for projects in 2019.

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Asian Hornet alert

A new and decidedly undesirable alien species has recently arrived in this country. It was sighted both in Guildford and in New Alresford this September. They pose a real threat to honey bees and other pollinators if they become established.

Any sightings should be reported immediately to the Non-Native Species Secretariat, or to BCG if preferred and we will deal with it. The Secretariat has issued a poster on how to recognise this menace and how to report it.

A new gate for Battings Garden

The new gate

Thanks to collaboration between the Bourne Conservation Group (BCG) and Farnham Town Council a little known piece of greenspace in South Farnham has a very attractive new oak gate. Battings Garden is situated at the junction of the A287 road and The Ridgeway, just by the traffic lights, with a hedgerow along the Ridgeway Road boundary which until 2016 had an iconic oak gate. The memorial plaque, now gracing the new gate, proclaims that the garden was presented to the town in 1933 by Walter Batting Esquire.  Continue reading “A new gate for Battings Garden”

Keeping Langham’s Rec safe for children and wildlife

Langham’s Recreation Ground is a popular open space on The Ridgeway, South Farnham, named after the founder of the Farnham Herald who gave the land to the town. The Bourne Conservation Group (BCG) has in recent years been working with Waverley Borough Council to keep the area as attractive as possible. To make it more friendly for wildlife some areas of grass have been left uncut and the wooded area cleared of invasive plants as far as possible. Continue reading “Keeping Langham’s Rec safe for children and wildlife”