
11 AprilMiddle Bourne Lane - light clearance and planting
18 AprilBourne Cross Roads - trim grass
19 -21 AprilStream Path - remove graffiti
26 AprilSession on footpaths
29 AprilLanghams Rec - litter pick and light clearance
2 MayThe Bourne Crossroads
5 MayUnderdown
6 MayCommittee Meeting
9 MayMiddle Bourne Lane seeding meadow and other work
16 MayMiddle Bourne Lane
- further work
17 MayYour Neighbourhood Seminar
2 JuneFootpath Session
30 JuneMiddle Bourne Lane Judging Prep
1 JulyJudging at Middle Bourne Lane and Crossroads
4 JulyRedbook House Balsam Bash
6 JulyThe Bourne Show
11 JulyBalsam Bash
14 JulySecond Balsam Bash (if needed)
4 AugustBioblitz at Wrecclesham (for those interested)
SeptemberHeritage Open Days