An unwelcome moth invader

We are pleased that the Farnham Herald used the following report in their most recent issue:

Boxworm moth – Cydalima perspectalis

Gardeners in Farnham are facing a new villain – the box-worm moth. Caterpillars of this moth introduced from China are stripping the leaves of box shrubs in gardens. The beautiful topiary and box hedging in classical gardens are being laid bare, and this is after many have suffered from box blight.

Continue reading “An unwelcome moth invader”

Support for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

We are very aware of the value of this award scheme, also known as DofE. It is available to all 14-24 year olds and is designed to equip young people for their lives ahead irrespective of their background, culture, skills and interests. Since its launch over 60 years ago it has widened the horizons of millions of youngsters world-wide and in many cases helped to transform their lives.

Continue reading “Support for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award”

Greenspaces Heritage Walk – Sunday 16th September 2018

Meet at St Martin’s on The Green at 2.15 pm.

The theme this year for the Farnham Society’s Heritage Open Days is Green Spaces and so where better to go than The Bourne? Here we not only have small pieces of green space within the urban area but we have direct access to the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty , the boundary of which runs along the eastern part of Dene Lane. We are therefore offering a guided walk appropriately starting on The Bourne Green and proceeding through the ever-popular woodland and heathland to the south including Sable Wood, Bourne Wood and the RSPB Farnham Heath reserve. Continue reading “Greenspaces Heritage Walk – Sunday 16th September 2018”

Farnham Walking Festival 2018 (Updated)

Farnham Town Council first introduced a walking festival into its programme of events in 2017. With some thirty walks over a week, including three organised by The Bourne Conservation Group, the festival proved extremely popular and it was decided to repeat the event in but over a two week period in 2018. Once again BCG was enthusiastic to take part, offering three walks broadly similar to last year’s.

Continue reading “Farnham Walking Festival 2018 (Updated)”

Personal Data – our request to all Members and Friends

The new data protection law (GDPR) is coming into force on the 25 May 2018. In common with all
organisations holding personal data, we need to ensure we comply, and this has given us the
opportunity to review our policies.
We have written to all our Members and Friends to say that The Bourne Conservation Group would
like to ensure we have everyone’s correct details and that you are happy for us to continue to
contact you.  We greatly value the support of all Members and Friends.
You can find all our Policies including our Policy for Safeguarding Personal Data here.

Old Churchyard


By last Sunday morning the snow had almost gone and the sun almost came out, giving us very good conditions for our session in the Old Churchyard. So, many thanks to the team that took on a whole range of tasks across the site. This will contribute to a good setting for the Church’s Palm Sunday service there on 25th March.

The crocuses are still a beautiful sight in sunshine like today. The photo was taken on a phone but there are better photos on our website where the page about the Old Churchyard project has just been updated.

This is part of a major effort to enhance the website with contributions from several Committee members. We are receiving great help from our member Thomas Hill contributing his technical skills.

Biodiversity Report 2017

Every year our resident expert on biodiversity, Dr Martin Angel, provides a report of his observations of wildlife in the area which enable us to track trends in biodiversity over time. They provide an indicator of the health of the local environment and are made available to the Surrey Wildlife Trust and other interested organisations. He has now submitted his report for 2017, which concentrates on moths.  Continue reading “Biodiversity Report 2017”

Party for The Bourne Community

2018 is expected to be a significant year in The Bourne because of the provision of a new cricket pavilion on The Green. This is planned to be a model construction giving not only excellent facilities for the village sports teams but also meeting and entertainment possibilities for the whole community. To mark the opening of this important year a Community Party was arranged in St Martin’s Hall on the evening of 2nd January by the cricket club who kindly invited other organisations to participate. Continue reading “Party for The Bourne Community”