We are early in the new school year, and as in previous years many students are looking for volunteering opportunities for their Duke of Edinburgh Award. As the Group’s activities have returned to normal, we have welcomed some new volunteers already and more applications are welcome.
The Group’s experiences with young people taking part in its work have been very good. In recent years we have had several DofE students joining us for their DofE Bronze, Silver or Gold volunteering section to work in conservation. They have enjoyed taking part and have learned something whilst the other members have much enjoyed having this enthusiastic younger element working. Sometimes they bring ideas and skills of their own which are of value to the group.

The Group believes that volunteering with it is a good choice for these excellent young people. It gets them into the open air in all weathers and brings them into close contact with the natural environment in the woods and gardens of The Bourne. They benefit from being part of a team and see the value and pleasure of working in an environment that will enrich the community. They are working alongside local residents of all ages and with appropriate guidance they learn new skills in the realms of horticulture, use of tools and the provision of wildlife habitats.

This year our Committee member Dr Wendy Scoble has taken on the role of co-ordinating the work of our DofE Award volunteers, to ensure varied experience is gained. Those interested to learn more about the Group’s activities and how to get involved should make initial contact though the Join Us page of this website or email info@bourneconservation.org.uk .
- Two DofE Awards students planting in Lower Bourne in support of Farnham in Bloom
- A student volunteer mowing the grass in the Old Churchyard