Celebration event for Group’s 20th anniversary

Members and friends of the Bourne Conservation Group are well aware that 2022 marks our 20th anniversary. We are holding an event on Thursday 29th September to celebrate the passing of this milestone and to thank all those who have contributed to our work and achievements. The event is open to anyone from The Bourne and the wider area who is interested in finding out more about the Group and in the talk to be given by our distinguished guest speaker.

Our speaker is the Rt Revd Dr Christopher Herbert, well-known resident of the area and former Bishop of St Albans, among his many achievements. His illustrated talk is titled ‘Change in the Village: Life in The Bourne around 1900’ and draws on the work of local writer George Sturt.

The event is to be held in the Centenary Rooms of St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham GU9 8HA, commencing at 7.30pm. Drinks and snacks will be served and there will be displays about the Group’s work and about the biodiversity of the Farnham area. There is no charge for admission; donations to cover the costs of the event will be welcome, with any surplus going to our general funds.

Further information will be published nearer the time and the event will be publicised in the local press, social media and on notice boards. Please make your family and friends aware.