A Joyful Season

The recent period of good weather accompanied by some welcome showers has brought on the early summer plants so that the flower beds and roadside verges are looking great. They are helping to provide a fitting backdrop to the happy mood in our nation at this time. The memory of Covid is fast receding and we are all uplifted by being able to join with HM The Queen in celebrating the remarkable achievement of 70 years on the throne in her Platinum Jubilee. It is indeed a joyful period when we can for a time forget serious problems at home and abroad.

Our Group is taking the opportunity of the good weather to catch up with jobs on all our sites while focussing on the need to be ready for the Farnham in Bloom judging which is fast approaching. The Regional Judges are expected to visit Middle Bourne Lane and the Crossroads on 13th July and the National Judges will come on the 28th of that month. There is a lot to do but everything is shaping up well especially the wildflowers. We are grateful to all who are helping with the array of tasks.

We are also very conscious of the fact that we are this year celebrating our 20th anniversary. To mark that we can announce that we shall be holding a major Social Evening on Thursday 29th September in the lovely setting of the Centenary Rooms of St Thomas’ Church. The speaker will be the very well-known Christopher Herbert. In line with our interests in local heritage, his subject will be “Change in the Village: Life in The Bourne around 1900.” This is something not to be missed so please put it in your diaries now.