Our winter this year seems to have been a series of unusually warm periods separated by chilly spells with particularly cold nights. This affected the migration or frogs and toads on Boundary Road to the extent there were only three nights when large numbers had to be rescued from the passing traffic. However, our teams went out most nights all through March just in case and we are extremely grateful to them and their helpers who did such a good job. The exercise was called off for this year on 1st April. Since then there has been much enjoyable spring sunshine which happily provided a wonderful day for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral for which Windsor Castle looked absolutely stunning. The weekend of 17th -18th April also coincided with the easing of lockdown regulations, bringing out lots of people walking and driving, with the Fox car park once again noticeably full to overflowing. Daffodils have all died back now but the tulips at the
Crossroads are fully in bloom as pictured.

The woodland at Langhams Recreation Ground has suffered from a number of disturbances in recent days and so we put a team together on Friday 16th April to give it a general tidy up. The team of six are pictured with their haul of litter and junk. Large and small. We thank them and also the Council for taking it all away. We look forward to settling down to a regular programme of work to help in supporting our local biodiversity.