We launched our Garden Watch after Easter with a bird survey and have now extended the Watch to include vertebrates – mammals, reptiles and amphibians – and butterflies. With continued support we shall include further surveys. We are much encouraged by the response to date and intend to publicise further the survey beyond our members and friends.
We are asking you to watch out for the birds, animals and butterflies that enter or inhabit your garden and include nearby open spaces if you wish. Please take part and we can both grow the scope of the survey and share the results. For more information visit this page:
The results of the survey up to 5 th May 2020 have been summarised by our biodiversity expert Martin Angel. Sixteen people have participated in the survey, reporting 31 species (See table). Four species have been reported everywhere – blackbirds, blue tits, magpies and robins. The other very common species included wood pigeons, carrion crows, great tits and nuthatches. We were surprised at how many goldfinches were reported – it seems to be a bumper year for them. There were several species which were reported in rather low numbers: – both song and mistle thrushes, chaffinches, collared doves, starlings, and house sparrows. There have been no reports of green woodpeckers although Martin has heard them calling (yaffling) in the woods.
Species reported and numbers of reports of each species
1. Blackbird – 16
2. Blue tit – 16
3. Magpie – 16
4. Robin – 16
5. Wood pigeon – 14
6. Great tit – 12
7. Dunnock – 11
8. Carrion crow – 10
9. Nuthatch – 10
10. Coal tit – 9
11. Goldfinch – 9
12. Jay – 7
13. Song thrush – 6
14. Bullfinch – 5
15. Jackdaw – 5
16. Wren – 5
17. Collared dove – 4
18. Greater spotted woodpecker – 4
19. Starling – 4
20. Chaffinch – 3
21. Long tailed tit – 3
22. Mistle thrush – 3
23. Buzzard – 2 overflying
24. Goldcrest – 2
25. Greenfinch – 2
26. Red kite – 2 overflying
27. Canada goose – 1 overflying
28. Heron – 1 overflying
29. House sparrow – 1
30. Mallard – 1
31. Pied wagtail – 1
We are very grateful to all who have submitted reports to date and hope you will continue to do so.
Watch here for further news of our lockdown Survey!
small tortoiseshell butterfly – Aglais urticae Brimstone – Gonepteryx rhamni
- Comma butterfly basking in sun
- Adder
- Common toad
- Woodmouse
- Small tortoiseshell butterfly
- Brimstone butterfly
- Badger