Safeguarding Policy for Working with Children and Young Persons
The Bourne Conservation Group (BCG) welcomes the opportunity to involve children (up to age 16 years) and young persons (up to 18 years) in its work and activities so as to encourage their interest in the natural world and community service. It is recognised, however, that the inexperience and vulnerability of young people necessitates putting in place a clear policy for their protection in a mainly adult environment involving manual work.
The following link: BCG Children’s Safeguarding Policy sets out the full policy to be adopted when working with children and young persons.
The aim of this policy is to ensure the safety of children and young persons while they are participating in the work and activities of the Group. It explains the procedures to be adopted and gives a Code of Behaviour to be adopted by all volunteers who are present on site.
All content ? Bourne Conservation Group 2008