Annual General Meeting 2022

On Sunday 30th October Members assembled at the home of the Chairman for the Group’s AGM, the first such occasion since 2019 because of the disruption of normal routines by the pandemic. It was therefore a good opportunity not only to catch up on routine business but to discuss subjects of concern to the Group including two “hot topics.”

It was a lively meeting with many good points being made from the floor within the framework set by consideration of the Combined Report for 2019-2022 circulated before the meeting. A number of good ideas were put forward that might aid future recruitment as well as providing more hands on experience for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award candidates. In this context it was good to see one of our current candidates taking part in the debate.

Essential business carried out included Approval of the Accounts which show the Group in a very healthy financial state. Also election of a committee for the coming year as follows:

Chairman Noel Moss
Secretary Richard Sandars
Treasurer Fiona Walberton
Biodiversity & Newsletter editor Dr Martin Angel
Membership & Recruitment Vicky Hill
Footpath Coordinator
David Dearsley
D of E Awards Coordinator Dr Wendy Scoble
Bourne Stream Project Manager Clinton Bradshaw

Among those well-known names it is good to see Wendy Scoble and Clinton Bradshaw joining the committee this time. The Stream Project referred to in Clinton’s title is the projected repair of the footpath by the stream near the Bat and Ball pub with Surrey County Council are hoping to accomplish in 2023.

The Hot Topics discussed were possible participation in the RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme and the current planning application for 146 houses in the area known to the Group as Compton Fields. This is a very unpopular project locally and BCG, in conjunction with the Farnham Biodiversity Group, has recently reiterated its opposition.

Once the meeting had formally closed, members were able to carry on the discussions as well as enjoying some social chat over light refreshments.

Copies of the Combined Annual Report for 2019-2022 are available on request to