The past year has been a remarkable one for our country, with many events that will
be remembered for a long time. This is also true for our Group. We achieved the
milestone of 20 years working for the community and environment of The Bourne
and were able to celebrate that in good style with a splendid gathering in St. Thomas’ Church at the end of September. That was a memorable evening when, with a goodly mix of members and residents, we were able to review our life story and also listen to a talk with a historical theme by a well-known local personality, Bishop Chris Herbert. It made a pleasing contrast to the practical work that has occupied us throughout the rest of the year but, there also, the achievements have been considerable. They included contributions to the very successful In Bloom programme as well as to Heritage Open Days.
We also took part again in The Bourne Show for the first time since the easing of the Covid Pandemic. Another major task completed late in the year was the clearance of the 39 Steps near the Bat and Ball pub on which our Duke of Edinburgh Award candidates made an invaluable contribution. With that recent record behind us we are well placed to resume work in the New Year and are already gearing up for another session in Burnt Hill Wood on the 8th January.
Other milestones awaiting us in 2023 are the start of Toad Watch at the end of February and Palm Sunday on 2nd April when we need to have the Old Churchyard in tip top condition. A new challenge for the whole year ahead will be participation in the “Its Your Neighbourhood” scheme for Middle Bourne Lane and The Bourne Crossroads which will mean a slight difference in the way we contribute to the In Bloom programme for the Town. That is all to look forward to.
In the meantime, on behalf of your excellent Committee, elected at our AGM in October, I wish All Members and Friends;
A Very Happy Christmas
And all Good Wishes for a Healthy, Fulfilling and Successful New Year